TV personality Sean Lowe hosts webinar with marketing professionals

Sean Lowe hosts “Leveraging Social Media Strategy during the Pandemic” Webinar with Marketing Professionals

On Friday, 10 April, top communications professionals hosted a webinar on the important roles of social media during the coronavirus outbreak. Television personality Sean Lowe moderated the discussion with 5WPR CEO, Ronn Torossian, Talent Resources CEO, Michael Heller and Burger King and Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Head of Public Relations & Communications, Heather McIntyre. The panellists had addressed the communications-based challenges and solutions, from crisis communications, to influencer marketing and beyond, covering topics beneficial for leaders across all industries.

“The coronavirus has halted and completely changed the manner in how many execute their business,” said 5WPR Founder and CEO, Ronn Torossian. “Social media is seeing record consumption, and brands can communicate through different channels in unique ways, making it an indispensable tool for professionals to be using right now.”

“Brands are being forced to pivot all of their marketing efforts and messaging almost daily. We are now in a position where influencers and celebrities need to use their platforms to educate their followers and show their authenticity,” said Michael Heller, Principal, Talent Resources.

“How brands act during this unimaginable time gives consumers direct insight into their core values and priorities,” said Heather McIntyre, Head of Public Relations & Communications for Burger King and Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen. “Social media is so much more than a tool to drive sales – today more than ever it is an essential resource providing a space for brands to do and share good.”

In the second instalment of 5WPR’s COVID-19 Communications webinar series, panellists will address the notion that we can be both physically distanced, yet more connected than ever during the pandemic. Topics will include the importance of social media strategy with proper messaging and disclosures, leveraging social posts for charitable donations and real-time engagement with followers.

Register for the “Leveraging Social Media Strategy during the Pandemic” webinar here.

The article TV personality Sean Lowe hosts webinar with marketing professionals appeared first on World Branding Forum.

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